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imagine tagline Actalys

Expertise sharp & reliable

A team supportive and caring

An approach contemporary notaries

the study

A team of notaries
for a tailor-made service

Our clients come to us at key moments in their lives for acts that very often commit them for the long term, whether it's their marriage contract, the purchase of their home, a gift to their children, an extra-judicial protection mandate or a will.

That's why we are acutely aware of our duty to provide them with a high-quality service in all areas of the law that lives up to their legitimate expectations.

Our history

Our history

The Actalys notarial firm was set up in 2010 with one objective in mind: to combine the skills and experience of associate notaries and seasoned staff to provide the best possible support to clients and offer them real added value in all their projects.

The increasing complexity of the legal and regulatory environment has also led to a specialisation of the firm's staff, who are divided into four departments: Family & Wealth, Individual Real Estate, Professional Real Estate and Corporate Real Estate.

This organisation enables Actalys to remain at the cutting edge in all areas of the law and to deal competently with the different levels of legislation - international, federal and regional - in French, Dutch and English.

A professional team and
a friendly working environment

We ensure that we surround ourselves with excellent legal experts and case managers, and we constantly invest in their training, against a backdrop of ever-increasing legal complexity.

We provide them with high-performance tools in a modern working environment that encourages the sharing of experience and conviviality.

Our team

our expertises

logo expertise Real estate for individuals

Real estate for individuals

Would you like to buy or sell a property? acquire your spouse's shares in a joint property? buy at public auction? enter into a life lease? create an easement? take out or refinance a mortgage? We are at your disposal to provide you with expert advice on your project.

Contact our "Real Estate for Individuals" department
logo expertise Real estate for professionals

Real estate for professionals

Whether you're a property developer or a property trader, whether your project involves a few units or several hundred flats, we can offer you tailor-made support from A to Z, thanks to our in-depth expertise in property project management.

Contact our "Real Estate for Professionals" department
logo expertise Family & Heritage

Family & Heritage

Agreeing a marriage contract, organising estate planning, drawing up a will, giving property to your children, getting divorced, setting up an out-of-court protection mandate, managing an estate... We provide personalised support at every stage of your life, to protect your assets and your loved ones.

Contact our "Family & Heritage" department
logo expertise Companies


The life of a company is not always easy, legally speaking. Whether you are setting up a company, increasing or reducing capital or shareholders' equity, amending your articles of association, merging, demerging or liquidating, we are at your side from identifying your needs to drawing up the deed and publishing it in the Moniteur belge.

Contact our "Companies" department

Are you launching a professional property project?


We offer you our highly specialised and recognised expertise: from the acquisition of the land to the sale of the last unit.

A property development presents a number of challenges: acquiring the land, dividing it into lots, creating building rights or long leaseholds, the legal specifics of the building in terms of the permits granted, town planning or environmental issues, drawing up the basic deed, the internal regulations and the options, offers, compromises and deeds of sale to be drawn up.

Our strengths: 

- Tailor-made, flexible solutions tailored to your needs;

- Tried-and-tested, rigorous internal processes for efficient management of your project;

- A team is dedicated to you for the entire duration of the project. Comprising a notary, one of our experienced client managers and a legal and administrative assistant, this team guarantees optimum follow-up, including the procedures to be carried out with the relevant local and regional authorities. 

Contact our "Real Estate for Professionals" department



logo compétence internationale

To help our clients deal with cross-border issues, we are members of Lexunion, the leading international network of legal and tax specialists.

image décorative compétence

the team

photo du notaire de Bergeyck


de Bergeyck


photo du notaire Rolin Jacquemyns


Rolin Jacquemyns


photo du notaire Gillardin




photo du notaire Belang




photo du notaire Van Ryn


Van Ryn

Front desk manager

photo du notaire Pirenne




photo du notaire Lefevere




photo du notaire Gosset




photo du notaire Cornelis




photo du notaire Hansoul



Notarial lawyer

photo du notaire Phan



Notary lawyer

photo du notaire Conratd



Legal Director

photo du notaire Zwarts




photo du notaire Goethals



Responsable RH

photo du notaire De Bruyn


De Bruyn


photo du notaire Hallaux



Accountant - Post-deed legal assistant

photo du notaire Adams



Post-Deed legal assistant - IT manager

photo du notaire Stouthuysen




photo du notaire Bulcke



Notarial lawyer

photo du notaire d'Aspremont



Notarial lawyer

image décoration call to action

Looking for a stimulating job in a friendly working environment?

Join us!

Actalys regularly recruits new staff. Go to the Jobs page to discover the Actalys atmosphere and your new job!

photo du notaire Hallaux




photo du notaire Mackenzie Hartog


Mackenzie Hartog


photo du notaire Busselot




photo du notaire Depuydt




photo du notaire Ball




photo du notaire Van Overbeke


Van Overbeke


photo du notaire Vanderlinden




photo du notaire Moreels




photo du notaire Van Mosnenck


Van Mosnenck

Front desk manager

photo du notaire Quilumbango




photo du notaire Rousseau




photo du notaire Boquet




photo du notaire Van Overstraeten


Van Overstraeten


photo du notaire Van Stappen


Van Stappen


photo du notaire Verhaeghe de Naeyer


Verhaeghe de Naeyer


photo du notaire Dromet




photo du notaire De Sutter


De Sutter


photo du notaire Huygen




photo du notaire Gendebien




photo du notaire de Villenfagne


de Villenfagne


photo du notaire Favaro




photo du notaire Ben Haddou


Ben Haddou


photo du notaire Lohest



Executive Assistant

John de Bergeyck


John est notaire depuis 2022. Il est diplômé en droit et en notariat de l’UCLouvain.

John est par ailleurs active au sein de Lexunion, le réseau international de référence des spécialistes du droit et de la fiscalité.  

Eric Jacobs


Eric has been a notary since 1999. Fluently bilingual FR/NL, he has a law degree from UCLouvain and a notarial degree from KULeuven. He also completed a master's degree in tax law at ICHEC.

Eric succeeded notary Jean Jacobs and holds the deeds of notaries Jean-Pierre Jacobs, Georges Jacobs and Léon Jacobs.

He is also a director of Lexunion, the leading international network of legal and tax specialists.


Géraldine Rolin Jacquemyns


Géraldine has been a notary since 2013. A graduate in law and notarial studies from UCLouvain, she also holds a master's degree in taxation from ICHEC.

She has recognised expertise in Belgian and international property law, and is the author, with Emmanuel de Wilde, of the reference work entitled "Les droits de succession et les droits de donation - Aspects théoriques et pratiques".

Géraldine is also an active member of Lexunion, the leading international network of legal and tax specialists, and a spokesperson for the Fédération du notariat.


Catherine Gillardin


Catherine has been a notary since 2008. Fluently bilingual FR/NL, she has a degree in law and notarial studies from the KULeuven. She is a member of the Association des Notaires des Métropoles Européennes.

Catherine succeeded notary James Dupont and holds the minutes of notaries André Nerincx and Benoit Nerincx.


Jean Vincke


Jean has been a notary since 2003. Fluently bilingual FR/NL, he has a law degree from UCLouvain and a notarial degree from UGent, and is active in notarial bodies. He is currently president of the Chambre des Notaires de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale.

He succeeded notary Fernand Jacquet and holds the minutes of notaries Jean Damiens, Lucien Damiens and Alphonse Damiens.


the tools

Open-source tools

Are you looking for a purchase offer template? How much will your purchase cost? Would you like to prepare for your next meeting with Actalys? Find out here!

The news

Changes to the conditions for applying the property tax allowance in the Brussels Region (Belgium)

From 1 April 2023, buying your first home in the Brussels Region will be more advantageous from a tax point of view. The bracket exempt from registration duty will be increased, and first-time buyers who undertake to carry out energy-efficient renovations to their new home will also benefit from an additional allowance.

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30/03/2023 08:03

Changes to the conditions for applying the property tax allowance in the Brussels Region (Belgium)

From 1 April 2023, buying your first home in the Brussels Region will be more advantageous from a tax point of view. The bracket exempt from registration duty will be increased, and first-time buyers who undertake to carry out energy-efficient renovations to their new home will also benefit from an additional allowance.

There will be a number of changes to the main allowance. The ceiling on the maximum tax base has been raised to €600,000, compared with €500,000 previously. The allowance, i.e. the portion exempt from registration duty, will be increased to €200,000, instead of €175,000, representing an additional saving of €3,125 , bringing the tax advantage to €25,000 . The period for establishing the main residence in the property purchased will be increased to 3 years instead of 2 years. This period may even be extended to 5 years if the purchaser undertakes to improve the energy performance of the building purchased. The obligation to maintain residence in the building for which the allowance was obtained for an uninterrupted period of 5 years remains unchanged. However, the penalty for failure to comply with the time limit has been changed. Repayment of the allowance will be due on a pro rata basis, according to the part of the period (per year) that has not been complied with. This rule is retroactive and will also benefit people who benefited from the allowance before 1 April 2023.

An additional, immediate allowance has also been introduced. It will apply when purchasers undertake to improve the energy performance of the property acquired. Aware of the climate challenges and objectives, and of the dilapidated state of Brussels' building stock, the regional legislator has decided to adapt the existing system to encourage citizens to contribute to this effort in the general interest. The amount of the additional allowance is €25,000 for each improvement in energy category achieved, with a minimum of two categories. However, this additional allowance is ancillary to the main allowance and the latter's conditions must therefore be complied with. Anyone who applies for the additional allowance and fails to carry out the necessary work within the deadline will be penalised (fines). It is therefore strongly recommended that you seek professional advice before committing yourself to improving the energy performance of your building.

The changes will come into force on 1 April 2023. Acquisition agreements ("compromis") entered into on or after 1 April 2023 will therefore be affected, as will agreements subject to conditions precedent entered into before 1 April 2023 where the condition precedent is fulfilled after 31 March 2023.


Flanders : Asbestos certificate

Since 23 November 2022, it has been compulsory in Flanders to obtain an asbestos inventory certificate for any inter vivos transfer of a right of ownership, the constitution or transfer of a right of usufruct, emphyteusis, surface right or real right of use relating to an accessible structure built before 2001.

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24/02/2023 12:02

Flanders : Asbestos certificate

Since 23 November 2022, it has been compulsory in Flanders to obtain an asbestos inventory certificate for any inter vivos transfer of a right of ownership, the constitution or transfer of a right of usufruct, emphyteusis, surface right or real right of use relating to an accessible structure built before 2001.

In practical terms, this applies to any pre-2001 building that can be entered. It is possible to enter a building as long as it consists of at least one roof supported by construction elements, and/or a person can normally stand or walk inside. A minimum height of 1.75 m is required when standing or walking. However, an asbestos inventory certificate is not required if the floor area of the building is less than 20m2. If there are several accessible buildings, the sum of the floor areas must be less than 20m2.

These include houses, flats, office buildings, garages, carports, garden sheds, sheds, etc.

For flats in compulsory joint ownership, an asbestos inventory certificate will not be required for common areas until 1 May 2025. An investment property sold to one and the same person, on the other hand, is not subject to compulsory co-ownership, so a certificate will also be required for the common areas from 23 November 2022.

It is planned that, by 31 December 2031, this type of certificate will be required for any accessible building constructed before 2001, and not only in the event of a transfer of rights relating to such a building.

In addition, OVAM has specified that an asbestos inventory certificate is only required when the transfer involves a new owner or a new holder of a right in rem (usufruct, bare ownership, etc.).

In addition to sales, gifts of property with or without reservation of usufruct, and contributions of property to a matrimonial community are also affected by this new legislation. However, it does not apply to agreements containing an accretion clause or to divisions where there is no new owner.

The notarial deed must state whether a valid asbestos inventory certificate has been given to the purchaser. However, there is no general obligation for the purchaser to remove asbestos. However, buyers must exercise due diligence when carrying out maintenance or renovation work on the property: contaminated materials that are easily accessible as a result of the work must be removed by the buyer.

Important: if there is no asbestos inventory certificate, the purchaser may claim that the deed is null and void! This action for nullity can only be withdrawn if a valid certificate is finally provided and the purchaser waives the right to invoke nullity in the deed. What's more, the absence of a certificate could also be considered an environmental offence.

In principle, the certificate is valid for 10 years. It is reduced to 5 years when there is at least one material containing asbestos with a high material risk. Finally, a new certificate is required when the condition or situation changes (work has been carried out, new materials have been added, etc.).

The cost of such a certificate varies according to a number of criteria (type of property, year of construction, etc.). You can find a list of approved experts at https://ovam.vlaanderen.be/lijst-procesgecertificeerde-bedrijven.

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Opening hours

Monday to Friday from 9am to 12pm and 1.30pm to 5pm. .